Forensic DNA Testing

On time. Within budget. On your terms.

At Sorenson Forensics our laboratory is equipped with the most advanced instrumentation for all your outsourced forensic DNA analysis needs. We employ comprehensive biological screening, including blood, semen, and saliva identifications. Our proven DNA experts collaborate closely with law enforcement agencies, crime labs, defense and prosecuting attorneys.

Along with our quality pledge, we promise always to deliver you professional and reliable DNA services. Below are two laboratory options: Batch Casework DNA Processing for a standard turnaround time, and Priority DNA Processing services for less traditional items and faster turnaround processing times.

Turnaround Time Examples

(contact us for your specific case)

48 Hours

  • One reference sample processed

5 Days

  • M-Vac filter
  • Bone extraction
  • Sexual assault kit
  • Property crime
  • Infidelity case

Batch Casework DNA Processing

We have the expertise and technologies to get your job done. Sorenson Forensics offers the highest-quality forensic serology and DNA casework in the industry today. We are passionate about working closely with each client and offering the latest and greatest in technological and expert scientific know-how. This option can handle 400+ cases monthly.

Priority DNA Processing

When your case can’t wait, you have an advantage with Priority DNA rush services. Priority DNA applies to the following case types: homicides, sexual assaults, aggravated assaults, property crimes, and cold case investigations. We can work with you for your specific timing requirements and offer as quick as a 48-hour turnaround. 

Our scientists are experts in this molecular biology method that is used to compare specific loci on DNA from two or more samples. 

Detecting male DNA in forensic samples faster, more efficiently and more cost-effectively, for sexual assault and other types of cases. 

This option of STR analysis is specific to males where the DNA fragments that are being targeted in this type of testing are found only on the Y-chromosome.

M-Vac technology allows for the efficient collection of more DNA from forensic evidence than traditional swabbing or cutting techniques. Many cases with inconclusive or weak DNA results have been moved forward with the M-Vac.

From property crimes to cold homicide cases, we generate DNA profiles from samples with limited amounts of DNA. 

We employ an industry-proven extraction method for bone and teeth samples that are submitted to our laboratory.

Is semen present? Or Is there male or female DNA on the item? DNA detection testing can help you answer questions. 

Sorenson Forensics has effectively provided Forensic DNA consulting for state attorneys, public defenders, and private investigators from across the country in a variety of felony casework.

We provide DNA forensic expert witness testimony in support of our DNA testing results and the case-review findings presented in our report package.

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Do you need forensic DNA testing for your case?
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