STR Analysis


Our scientists are experts in this molecular biology method that is used to compare specific loci on DNA from two or more samples.

Sorenson Forensics is validated to perform forensic casework using a wide scope of state-of-the-art technology platforms. Our forensic scientists have extensive experience in analyzing a wide range of forensic evidence and recognize that each piece of evidence presents its unique challenges.

The DNA profile generated from STR analysis is a set of numbers that correspond to fragment sizes that are unique to individuals (with the exception of identical twins.)  This power of discrimination makes this analysis a very powerful tool in confidently matching a DNA profile generated from a crime scene to a known individual.

STR Amplification Technologies
  • GlobalFiler
  • PowerPlex Fusion 6C
STR Analysis & CODIS

STR is the industry standard for forensic DNA typing and is used for DNA profiles uploaded to the national CODIS database. The DNA profile, also known as a DNA type, is stored in the database. For forensic STR DNA analysis, the DNA profile consists of one or two alleles at the 20 CODIS core loci.

STR Analysis in Action

The following is an article featuring the successful use of this analysis by Sorenson Forensics: Gone Cold – Mother Daughter Raped and Murdered Identified and Sentenced to Life

evidence sticker on vial

Request an Estimate

Reliable results start with STR. 
Request an Estimate for a free consultation and learn how STR testing can strengthen your case.